Monday, September 22, 2014

FW 1.11i --general sexual competition--

1.11: patterns
1.11a: This the way to the museyroom. Mind your hats goan in! Now yiz are in the Willingdone Museyroom...
1.11b: Saloos the Crossgunn! Up with your pike and fork! Tip. (Bullsfoot! Fine!) This is the triplewon hat of Lipoleum...
1.11c: This is the big Sraughter Willingdone, grand and magentic in his goldtin spurs and his ironed dux...
1.11d: This is the three lipoleum boyne grouching down in the living detch. This is an inimyskilling inglis...
1.11e: This is the petty lipoleum boy that was nayther bag nor bug. Assaye, assaye! Touchole Fitz Tuomush...
1.11f: This is Delian alps. This is Mont Tivel, this is Mont Tipsey, this is the Grand Mons Injun. This is the crimealine...
1.11g: The jinnies is a cooin her hand and the jinnies is a ravin her hair and the Willingdone git the band up...
1.11h: This is me Belchum sneaking his phillippy out of his most toocisive bottle of Tilsiter. This is the libel...
1.11i: That was the tictacs of the jinnies for to fontannoy the Willingdone. Shee, shee, shee! The jinnies...
1.11k: This is bode Belchum, bonnet to busby, breaking his secred word with a ball up his ear to the Willingdone...
1.11l: Cherry jinnies. Figtreeyou! Damn fairy ann, Voutre. Willingdone. That was the first joke of Willingdone...
1.11m: This is Rooshious balls. This is a ttrinch. This is mistletropes. This is Canon Futter with the popynose. After...
1.11n: . This is the Willingdone, by the splinters of Cork, order fire. Tonnerre! (Bullsear! Play!) This is camelry...
1.11o: Almeidagad! Arthiz too loose! This is Willingdone cry. Brum! Brum! Cumbrum! This is jinnies cry...
1.11p: This is jinnies rinning away to their ousterlists dowan a bunkersheels. With a nip nippy nip and a trip trippy trip...
1.11q: This is the bissmark of the marathon merry of the jinnies they left behind them. This is the Willingdone branlish...
1.11r: This is the pettiest of the lipoleums, Toffeethief, that spy on the Willingdone from his big white harse...
1.11s: This is hiena hinnessy laughing alout at the Willingdone. This is lipsyg dooley krieging the funk...
1.11t: This is the wixy old Willingdone picket up the half of the threefoiled hat of lipoleums fromoud of the bluddle...
1.11u: That was the last joke of Willingdone. Hit, hit, hit! This is the same white harse of the Willingdone, Culpenhelp...
1.11v: This is the seeboy, madrashattaras, upjump and pumpim, cry to the Willingdone: Ap Pukkaru! Pukka Yurap!...
1.11w: This is the dooforhim seeboy blow the whole of the half of the hat of lipoleums off of the top of the tail...

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That was the tictacs of the jinnies for to fontannoy the Willingdone.

French du tic au tac: tit for tat
'tic tac' used to be as popular as 'tick tock' for clocklike sounds (incl machine guns) but also tic-tac-toe

French font: (they) do
Battle of Fontenoy, 1745, where French soldiers and Irish Wild Geese fought English and Dutch led by George II's son (battles)

Shee, shee, shee!

AngloIrish pronunciation: shee: see
Italian si: yes

The jinnies is jillous agincourting all the lipoleums.

jealous over

Battle of Agincourt, 1415 (battles)
again courting

And the lipoleums is gonn boycotton crezy onto the one Willingdone.

gone crazy over
Maud Gonne

Captain Boycott: 19th century Irish land agent, famous for being ostracised

The boy Cotton: a twelve-year old boy who lived unobserved for twelve months (in 1838) in the kitchen quarters of Buckingham Palace

Sergeant-Major Edward Cotton: A Voice from Waterlooo

Battle of Crécy, 1346 (battles)

And the Willingdone git the band up.

slang to get it up: French slang: bander: to have an erection


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